Monday, June 10, 2013

Why I Gave Up Caffeine

I loved soda.  I drank at least one at each meal, which ended up being at least 3 a day.  I ordered specific sodas with specific meals.  Chinese food required a cola, sub sandwiches required a mt. dew.  It was bad.  Every food at a restaurant was connected to a certain drink.  

I had tried giving soda up a few times previously and failed miserably.  I would have severe caffeine withdrawals.  Headaches that felt more like migraines, I was always so tired but suffered from insomnia , and I would feel achy.  I never struggled through the withdrawal symptoms I would always give up and start drinking soda again. 

I was a hypocrite.  I refuse to let my children drink soda, except for Root beer when we visit A&W, and here I was drinking a 24 pack in a week.  

So how did I do it?  Well truthfully, I got sick.  I had some type of throat illness.  Everything I swallowed hurt enough to bring me to tears.  Soda was the absolute worse, but I kept trying it. On the second day of my illness I forced myself to drink a whole can of soda to try and combat the withdrawal symptoms.  My throat burned so badly, it felt like I was drinking battery acid.  It was at that point I decided no soda was worth the pain I was enduring. I have always known that soda is bad for me and it was time to give it up.  

I fought with the withdrawal symptoms even after my throat symptoms went away.  Each day got a little easier, the thing that made it the worst for me was being so tired each day but also having insomnia. My boys were so supportive and helpful while I was going through withdrawal.  My middle guy would tell me at each meal "Good job mom! Your drinking juice!"  The fact that he noticed made the struggle worth it. 

After recovering, the first two weeks I missed soda so badly.  I kept two left over cans in the back of my fridge, just in case I told myself, but I really didn't want to let myself give up this time.  I took it day by day, meal by meal.  I worked up my courage and gave the two cans of soda to my husband to drink at dinner one night.  Since giving up soda I have turned to mostly juices, water and lemonades.  

I was concerned about the first time we went out to dinner.  I am a creature of habit and I was worried I would let myself fail.  I kept strong and ordered a water and didn't regret not having a soda.  Actually the food tasted better when it wasn't masked by the sweet syrupy drink. 

My husband drinks lots of caffeine, at least a two liter a day.  When I was first battling my withdrawal I didn't keep any soda in the house except for my two emergency cans.  He was a good sport and drank juice and water with me, but as soon as he was out of the house he was drinking any form of caffeine he could get he his hands on.  I am to the point now where we have soda in the house and it doesn't tempt me at all.  

I have always bought 100% juice for my kids, but now make sure that I can read and know what each ingredient on the label is.  I personally feel that more and more additives and chemical preservatives are being put into our food with our our knowledge.  It was recently brought to my attention the brominated vegetable  oil is used in numerous citrus drinks, is also used as a fire retardant.  Yes the FDA says it is okay to use in about 8 parts per million but I personally do not want any of this in my body.  

Caffeine is a drug, granted it is not a narcotic, but it does still have addictive qualities.  Anyone who has gone through withdrawal can tell you difficult it is. I feel wonderful now giving up soda!  If I did it believe me you can do it to! 

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